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Адрес: Здания 33 и 34, Технологический Инкубационный Парк Caozhai, Район Цзиндун, Город Цзиньхуа, Провинция Чжэцзян, Китай
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Zhejiang Changxu Industry & Trade Co., Ltd
Address: Building 33 and 34, Caozhai Technology Incubation Park, Jindong District, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province, China
Contact: Mr. Lei
Mobile:0086- 13957965004 13858926720
Tel: 0086-0579-87102668
E-mail: sales@zjchangxu.com
Address: Building 33 and 34, Caozhai Technology Incubation Park, Jindong District, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province, China